Tribal Water Media Fellowship Program
2024 Tribal Water Media Fellowship
Application information
Priority deadline: February 15
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. We will begin notifying selected participants on a rolling basis starting in March. If you have any questions, or would like more information, please email:
Apply now
2023 Fellowship Projects
Our 2023 project fellows explored law, history, personal narratives, music, art and more in their projects. They leveraged their skills and passion to document tribal water topics across the map.
Explore the project showcase
About the Fellowship
The Tribal Water Media Fellowship is a Walton Family Foundation funded collaboration between Fort Lewis College, KSUT, and Rocky Mountain PBS that gives students the opportunity to research, create, and present multimedia projects centering on water, water usage, and desert communities. Student applicants to the fellowship can be from a variety of academic backgrounds, including, but not limited to; journalism, media, science, and/or cultural studies.
The fellowship is made up of two programs, and acceptance into the fellowship gives students access to both programs. The first program is a 14-day summer intensive that takes place in May 2024 at Fort Lewis College, where room and board will be provided for students on campus. During the intensive, students will attend a 4-day river trip down the San Juan River, led by Fort Lewis on the Water (FLOW). Also, during this intensive, the applicants will attend a series of workshops on campus. These workshops will focus on topics such as media preparation, production, as well as cultural studies, and research workshops that discuss water issues, science and policy, with a focus on Tribal water issues.
The second part of the Tribal Water Media Fellowship is an independent showcase project. Students will conceive, research, produce, and deliver a media project centered on water from May 2024 to October 2024. This program includes a mentorship where the applicants will be paired with a mentor from a specific field of media (video, print, podcast, etc.) to facilitate the applicant’s project to completion. This program will culminate with the students presenting their projects to the public at a symposium held on the Fort Lewis College campus in October 2024.
Besides the 14-day May intensive and subsequent mentorship, applicants accepted for the fellowship will receive a $1000 stipend. This stipend will be split, with $500 for the summer intensive, $500 for the fall showcase project. In addition to the stipend, the students will also have access to equipment, as well as workshops from the KSUT Tribal Media Center. The workshops at KSUT will focus on video and audio production, and mastering projects for public consumption.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the terms and conditions for receiving the stipend?
Students will receive $500 upon completion of the 10-day summer intensive and $500 upon presentation of their media project at the public symposium in October.
Do I have to be an FLC student to apply?
Priority will be given to current FLC students. If space is available, recent FLC graduates and students from other institutions will be considered.
What will the 10-day summer intensive entail?
During the 10-day summer intensive, students will work with mentors and experts in the fields of journalism and water to learn how to approach a media project centering on water issues and desert communities.
I’m already working on a media project in my community, focused on a water issue outside the Four Corners area. Can I apply to the fellowship and use this time to receive support for the project I’m already working on?
You do not need to start a new project for the fellowship, and you do not necessarily need to focus your project on the Southwest, if you’d like to put your focus elsewhere. Let us know what you’re working on, and what you're interested in.
Do I have to be a journalism student to apply?
No, the program is open to students from all disciplines with an interest in water and communication.
I don’t have any media experience. Do I have a chance of being accepted for the fellowship?
You do not need to have media experience in order to apply! Let us know about your studies and your interests. This can be an opportunity for you to learn some media skills. Some equipment will be available for you to use during the week intensive.
For the rafting portion of the intensive, what if I don’t have any experience in whitewater rafting? Do I need to bring my own gear?
It isn’t necessary to have experience of whitewater rafting in order to have a good time on this trip. FLOW trips are beginning friendly, and a great way to be introduced to rafting. If you don’t have a dry bag, waterproof clothing, or camping gear, we can help you to prepare for this trip–just let us know!